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Plastic is the most widely used food storage material in the world. Plastic storage containers are lightweight, inexpensive, and perfect for home or restaurant food storage. Despite the many advantages of plastic containers, some businesses and households still don’t use plastic containers because of misinformation. For example, according to a common misconception, people believe that plastic containers are not suitable for storing food because they contain harmful chemicals such as BPA. However, this is not the case.

In fact, only a small part of plastic may contain substances such as BPA, which can be distinguished by the food grade mark on the plastic container. This article will discuss in detail the meaning of food grade in plastic and which plastic container is the safest for food storage, so that you can understand the safety of plastic food storage.

What does Food Grade Mean in Plastics?

Food-grade plastics are basically plastic materials that are considered safe for food use, such as food storage or cutlery. They are manufactured to meet specific purity standards, which means that no materials that could pose a risk to human health are used in their manufacturing process. To be considered food grade, plastic containers must meet certain regulations, such as being free of additives, dyes, and any other harmful products.


Plastic containers are labeled on the bottom with a food grade rating from 1 to 7. This gives consumers an idea of ​​how safe the plastic is for food storage. Food-grade plastic must meet regulations. It cannot contain dyes, additives, or any harmful products. Food-safe plastic can contain recycled materials, but these must meet appropriate guidelines. The Food and Drug Administration is responsible for determining how materials behave when they come into contact with food.

Introduction to Grade 1-7 Plastics

Number 1: PET or PETE — This plastic, polyethylene terephthalate, is listed as No. 1 on the recycling triangle. PET plastic is clear, tough, and resistant to gases and moisture. This plastic is commonly used for beverages, such as soft drinks, juices, and bottled water. It is also used in food products, such as peanut butter, pickles, and salad dressings.

Number 2: HDPE — High-density polyethylene is a plastic commonly used in milk bottles, some juice containers, and laundry products. It appears as No. 2 on the triangle code. These containers can be translucent or colored, are somewhat rigid, and are ideal for packaging products with a short shelf life, such as milk.

Number 3: PVC — When the term PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is used, most people think of plastic pipes. The triangle code lists the number 3. This plastic is weather-resistant and is used for electrical cables around the house, and is the primary material for window frames, floor tiles, and siding in homes. This plastic can be used for both food and non-food purposes. Before storing food in a container, make sure the container has not been treated for industrial or construction use.

Number 4: LDPE — Low-density polyethylene plastics are listed as the number 4 in the triangle code. They are used in a variety of items such as dry cleaning bags, bread and frozen food bags, and squeezable bottles for mustard and honey. To recycle these for food storage, consider what they were previously in and how easily the container can be sterilized. This may not be the best plastic for long-term food storage.

Number 5: PP — Polypropylene is labeled as the number 5 in the triangle code. This plastic is tough and can be hard or flexible. Yogurt containers, margarine tubs, and medicine bottles are examples of food-grade containers made from this plastic. Polypropylene is also used to make ice scoops, oil funnels, rakes, trays, and refrigerator food storage bins. It is a widely used plastic.

Number 6: PS — This is polystyrene, which is labeled as the number 6 in the recycling triangle. It is a rigid plastic or foam that is clear, hard, and brittle. Typical uses include cups, plates, cutlery, egg cartons, meat trays, and compact disc sleeves. While it is widely used in packaging, it is not typically used in containers suitable for food storage.

Number 7: The last category is number 7. This code indicates that the packaging is made of a resin other than the six listed above, or a combination of two or more of these resins. For food and food storage, No. 7 containers are commonly used for 3-gallon and 5-gallon reusable water bottles/jugs, some citrus juice containers, and ketchup bottles.

Which Plastic Numbers are Suitable for Food Storage?

1PETYesOne-time use bottles
2HDPEYesJuice and milk jugs
3PVCNoPipe, hoses, and packing
4LDPEYesBread and produce bags
5PPYesMedication bottles, Food storage boxes
6PSNoPlastic cutlery, coffee cups
7Other PlasticsYesBaby bottles, water bottles

Now that we have broken down each plastic and its uses, going by the safe plastic number table, plastics ranked 2, 4, and 5 can be used for food storage, these include HDPE, LDPE, and PP materials, these containers can store food without leaching any toxic chemicals. Number 5, PP material, is the best choice for food storage. Plastic ranked 1 is only safe if it is used once and not exposed to direct sunlight. Avoid using any plastic ranked 3 or 6.


As awareness of toxins in plastics grows, it’s important to know how to store food safely. Using the right food storage containers prevents harmful bacteria and toxins from entering the body. This can prevent serious health issues and make the planet greener by using renewable materials.

Contrary to popular misconception, plastic is generally safe when it comes to storing food. Choose the right plastic food container material to ensure your plastic containers are safe for food use.


If you are looking for the safest and highest quality plastic containers, LEBO is the plastic container supplier you are looking for! We offer a wide range of quality and affordable wholesale food storage containers, from dry food storage containers to refrigerator food storage containers. Our most popular wholesale plastic food containers are specifically made from PP material, so you can be sure of their quality and safety.

Feel free to check out our full range and feel free to contact us to learn more about our products.


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